Monthly Archives

Month: juin 2009

Comment Olivier Issaly, PDG d’Owlient cartonne avec ses jeux en ligne et les bébés virtuels.

Tech A Break par DECIDEURS TV Ces dernières années, les jeux en ligne ont  connu un essor extraordinaire. Tout le monde a entendu parler des jeux en flashs sur internet ou encore des MMORPG (—en-2008.shtml) (comprenez Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ou jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueur), dont World of Warcraft (  est […]

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Bruce Sterling tries to nail 6 ice cubes together.

At Lift09, Bruce Sterling tried to nail 6 ices cubes together. In the internet of things, he identified 6 trends: transition, identification, fabrication, tracking, searching, recycling. How these trends can be tackled in our world today? You really want to listen to him to get it. I don’t even know if I got it right. […]

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I visited Buchenwald.Thank you Mr. Obama.

It just happened that i was in Dresden moderating a panel on Video, while Barack Obama was there. His program was inspiring and i went to Buchenwald on Saturday morning. This visit will remain as a major experience. Never forget, keep this place alive, nurture it, as well as other similar places in the world. […]

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