Yoolink Pro, the social information network, launches Beta.

Just met with Yoolink’s team at Web2.0 in Berlin. They announced the launch of their Beta version today. Yoolink Pro is a professional social bookmarking service. It allows you to create a community which aggregates content based on your interest. For exemple, if you work in an advertising company and on pitching an airline company, you creat a group around that project and other professionals from your company will add links and comments relating to that pitch. All relevant info is then located and accessible at one single place.

The Pro service is free for now. Their target is professionals ‘community, agencies, developpers, etc. The business model is a subscription one. Rates will range from 29€ to 129€ per month depending on additional services and storage capacity. The service is developed with Ruby on a ROR framework.

The Pro version has been launched after the public one. Guess that public one got caught between Twitter and Aggregators like Netvibes. The pro version makes more sense to me. Founder, Sunny Paris, and fundraising history here.