Facebook cost US $ 3.4 billion to the corporate world in lost productivity.

While recently discussing with a young marketing executive the resistance of the music industry to the digital world – a fascinating subject by itself -, something triggered my curiosity. He spends 20 minutes per day on Facebook networking with people for his own personal benefit. I then made a simple calculation based on the following assumptions.

5% of the total users of Facebook use it 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week, while they are at work. Based on a monthly average salary of US$ 3 000, it costs US $ 3.4 billion to the corporate world. And that does not include :
– the cost of people being diverted from their work since a Facebook user goes several times per day on Facebook, and not 20 minutes in a row.
– other important costs in terms of technology, security, brand image.

Some corporations already have forbidden the use of Facebook at work.

What do you think?

More on that subject
Cost estimated to $4 billion just in Australia
Corporate America bans Facebook.
In the UK