Bernard de la Villardière on Citizen Journalism / Journalisme citoyen

Here is a man who likes to take risks on his TV reportages – the assassination of Hariri, of Massoud, the Camora in Naples – or who tackles untold stories – the Paris périphérique, women jails. Months of research, investigations, interviews, field work end up in 52 minutes of fascinating stories. So when you mention « citizen journalism » or « proximity news », get ready for strong ideas. Bernard de La Villardière shares his passion for journalism, how it evolved over the past years and has been impacted by marketing. He puts it back in perspective and it’s good news!

Bernard de la Villardière partage sa passion du journalisme qu’il remet avec talent à sa place face à “l’information de proximité” et au “journalisme citoyen”. Du bon sens frappé du sens de l’engagement.