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Category Name: Je fais le zouave!

World of Electors from Alex Chan

Alex Chan launches World of Electors – a series realized as a Machinima. It’s Alex’s version of the French Political elections. The french media focus on the candidates : Alex focuses on the electors and offers them the possibility to express their opinions in a ficticious world, creating a new world as Second Life did. […]

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In Lausanne, amateurs can expose their photographs!

“We are all photographers now” is an initiative from The Museum of L’Elysée in Lausannne. It offers any amateur photographer the opportunity to showcase his selected pictures in the Museum’s galleries. Stuart, a friend of mine got one of his pictures selected. I think the initiative is interesting because i allows “amateurs” to enter in […]

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Ceo’s Bloggers Club in Paris : fun and good networking

The CEO’s bloggers’ club met in Paris yesterday for an informal diner. Guillaume du Gardier is the president (showing the new Eyeka’s promotional leaflet following our recrutment campaign launched on April 2nd). You’ll also recognize Jacques Froissant right; Laurent Esposito, on the left launched YouVox last fall. Charles Nouyrit , author of the famous IpodNanoBlog […]

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Hillary, Apple, 1984 et actions “citoyennes”

Au moment ou la campagne présidentielle française passionne, celle des élections américaine (2008) démarre avec les primaires au sein des partis. Ainsi Hillary Clinton fait les frais d’un pastiche du fameux spot d’Apple, 1984 pour le lancement du Mac Intosh, dans lequel un lanceur au marteau féminin explosait l’écran big brother (sous-entendez IBM à l’époque). […]

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Starbucks Coffee will now produce Paul McCartney

I’m not an expert, but the music industry must definitely be in pretty bad shape. After 43 years, Capitol lost Paul McCartney to Starbucks (they do keep the catalogue though). Starbucks Entertainment created a new label “Hear Music” and Paul’s new album should be released by next summer. That’s 13 000 starbucks coffees around the […]

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Alcoolémie 0.00

De retour ce vendredi soir d’un diner entre amis, arrosé d’un Rioja 2003, vin d’Espagne que j’apprécie tout particulièrement, je déposai ma compagne et raccompagnai chez elle ma mère qui avait gardé notre fils en notre absence. J’avais bien vu la voiture de police arrêtée au feu, mais un peu tard, alors que je m’étais […]

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