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Category Name: Je fais le zouave!

Why I am not voting

I did not vote for the first round nor will i for the secound round of the French presidential elections. Here is why. I voted for the past 25 years at most of the elections. For the past 25 years, France has been bugged by the same challenges, with little done to move the country […]

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My message to the runner-up

Tonight, there will be a runner-up in the French Presidential election. “If you keep trying, it’s likely you’ll succeed. Hence, the more you fail, the more chances you have to succeed.” The Shadok philisophy. Hope she has a sense of humour! Copyright Rouxel

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Sarkozy, Royal and the French Presidential Elections : isn’t it about the ability to drive change?

For our international friends who may be catching up on the french elections, France’s next president will be elected next sunday by 8pm. The 2 finalists are Nicolas Sarkozy, conservative/liberal and Segolene Royal, socialist/in favor of government assistance on most matters. Most of international observers agree that politically France lives with the memories of its […]

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Fanny’s party at the Hard Rock Cafe in Paris

Mobile and 2.0 geeks met yesterday at the Hard Rock Cafe in Paris, France for Fanny’s party. A number of start-ups, bloggers and influencers were there: Parrott, Jubii, Wowwee and his Dragon Fly, Jerome Bouteiller, Gregory Pouy, Altaide, Moovement, Blue Kiwi, Pikeo etc. Networking was intense. And Fanny made sure everyone got a little present. […]

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