Towards the digital era : a challenge for Lagardere Active and NextRadio TV

Several strikes in french media groups show difficulties to migrate traditional media to the new digital era and move towards profitability.Simulatenously, 3 strikes have been called by the staff in 2 media groups – Largadere Active, the world’s largest magazine publisher and NextRadio TV.

At Europe 1, one of the leading french news radio, 100 employees and specifically journalists, called for a strike for Tuesday June 5th . The strike’objective is to prevent 42 layoffs out of a total staff of 407 and oppose the strategic vision of Largardere Active CEO Didier Quillot to create synergies between print (Hachette Filipacchi Médias, HFM) and radio/tv (Lagardere Active). In Hachette Filipacchi, the publishing segment of Lagardere Active, the management planned for 93 layoffs out of a total staff of 1250. These 2 plans are part of a cost cutting endeavor amounting to € 70 million and 7% to 10% of staff reduction worldwide.

NextRadio TV, owned and managed by Alain Weill, implemented succesful web strategies for BFM and RMC. NextRadio TV acquired Groupe Test
for 80 M€, tied to a capital increase. Guess what when you read the following 2006 figures :the internet revenues amounted to Euros 12,5 millions with a net income of Euros 4,2 millions. The press division revenues amounted to Euros 58,5 millions with a net income of Euros 1 million. The plan is to terminate 6 to 11 out of the 14 magazines and layoff 163 persons. The unions are fighting off this plan.