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Category Name: Nouvelles technologies

New Skype worm spreads quickly.

Do not open unknown links on Skype. There has been an effective and malicious attack with the new variant worm targeting Skype. It comes in a chat message as a .pif file, that poses as “photos”. It targets anyone on your contact list using AIM,ICQ,Messenger,Miranda,MSN,Trillian (which uses all of the above) and Yahoo. You’ll find […]

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Microsoft continues to loose ground in search

The blogs have heavily commented the recent acquisition of aQuantive by Microsoft, as part of a move in strategic businesses. They have been put back in perspective of the great number of acquisitions of advertising companies over the past 8 weeks. All of it seems to be based on future earnings in online advertsiing. All […]

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Barcamp in Paris is Saturday May 12!

Barcamp is a good way to get an overview of the start-ups. In Paris, the ones i’ve covered in earlier posts are The Tokeda Project and Moovement. The full list is here. Richard tells us more about some of the players here. Logistics : Meet at Yahoo! 17 rue Guillaume Tell 75017 Paris. On May […]

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Google Analytics launches its new version.

If you read this post, you’re likely to be a blogger. And if you are, you’re likely to measure traffic and use Google Analytics. I do and I like it. Can’t compare though, i have never used anything else ! On May 8th at Emetrics Summit in San Francisco, Google announced a new version which […]

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Microsoft is web 1.0; Google is web 2.0

Just a thought reading and listening to all that buzz about Microsoft possible acquisition of Yahoo!. Microsoft is from the inside towards the outside : that’s web 1.0 Google! is from the outside towards the inside : that’s web 2.0 Both companies are outstanding, with great people, performing products, top notch marketing and amazingly strong […]

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